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Thursday, October 31, 2013

How to Lose Weight Easy and Fast - 3 Steps to Rapid Weight Loss

If you're looking to drop the pounds quickly but easily, you're in luck. Follow these 3 simple steps and watch the pounds melt away!

1. Start keeping a daily weight loss journal where you track everything that goes into your dieting regime including what you eat (including how much, when, and the feelings you experience before you eat), your exercise (when and how much) as well as your weight. This will keep you conscious of your body and your progress.

Do not obsess about the numbers. Choose one day and time each week to weigh yourself and stick to it. Your weight may fluctuate drastically over the course of a week, so sometimes weighing yourself constantly can discourage you.

2. Devise a diet and exercise plan and set one big goal for yourself that you further break down into small goals that you write down along a timeline. Try eating four small meals a day that are rich in protein and low in carbs. For one month, do not eat sugars and don't drink any of your calories.

Incorporate 3 to 4 30 minute workouts each week. This will significantly accelerate your progress towards your goal weight. Not only will working out burn calories, but it will also help you unlock the key to melting away the fat fast.

3. The key to shedding pounds fast is keeping your metabolism boosted all day and night so your body burns calories for you. To do this, schedule one day a week to break your diet and allow yourself to eat whatever you like as long as you don't stuff yourself. This keeps your body from going into starvation mode, plus it keeps you motivated throughout the week to stick to your diet!

For More Related Topics Blog: Physicians Weight Loss Center

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